Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Investing in Our Future
Promoting a Sustainable Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is unlike any other place in California. Along with being the heart of the state’s water delivery system, the estuary is home to more than 35 endangered native plants and animals, dozens of historical communities and hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland. 其岛屿上肥沃的泥炭土每年产生约9.65亿美元的农作物,其生态系统支持西海岸的商业鲑鱼产业. The Delta is simultaneously a crucial link in statewide water infrastructure, a vital yet fragile ecosystem, an engine of our economy and home to 500,000 people. 在过去的几个世纪里,该地区的土地利用和景观也发生了重大变化.

三角洲曾经是一片广阔的沼泽地,覆盖着规则和野生动物. In the mid-1800s, 定居者们建造了堤坝来排水和开垦土地,今天大约95%的原始湿地和洪泛平原已经消失了. 在这个高度变化的环境中,非本地物种茁壮成长,超过了本地物种. Striped bass, Asian clams and many other invaders, large and small, are either eating the native populations or the foods on which they rely.

认识到稳定三角洲和保障水资源未来的重要性, Metropolitan purchased a number of Delta islands in 2016. To make our commitment to state and regional water resources more transparent, Metropolitan’s board officially adopted an updated Bay-Delta Policy Framework in October 2022. 作为一个负责任的土地所有者和尽职尽责的邻居,投资于环境管理, we have committed to science-based watershed management, 与这些岛屿和整个地区的当地利益相关者建立多利益环境倡议和社区伙伴关系.

Multi-Benefit Landscape Restoration and Farming on Webb Tract
Hybrid Public Meeting on July 10, 2024

南加州大都会水区将于周三举行首次公开会议,讨论Webb Tract中部三角洲岛屿上的两个农业和栖息地恢复项目, July 10 at 11 a.m. in Oakley. These projects, 由大都会提出并由萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲保护协会资助, will transform Webb Tract.

大都会项目经理Malinda Stalvey将介绍这两个项目的概况. Additional presenters will discuss the farming opportunity, the preliminary wetland plans, potential ecocultural values, and scientific monitoring for this approximately 5,500英亩的岛屿,位于布拉德福德岛和三角洲中部的弗兰克大道之间. Time will be reserved for questions and answers.


在奥克利的大突破游客中心亲自加入我们或通过Zoom参与. The meeting is expected to last for one hour but may extend to 12:30 p.m. if additional time is needed to answer all questions. 

Big Break Visitor Center
69 Big Break Road
Oakley, California 94561

Meeting ID: 933 2944 6462

Metropolitan's Bay-Delta Policies & Objectives

A pictorial representation of Metropolitan's Bay-Delta Policies & Objectives, including Climate Resilience,  Water Supply Reliability,  Science-based Watershed Management, Regional Cooperation & Partnerships, and Cost-effective Investments.

Delta Islands

A Laboratory for Adaptation & Sustainability

The Delta faces many challenges, and Metropolitan is committed to finding workable, cooperative solutions. Metropolitan-owned lands in the Delta – Webb Tract, Bacon Island, 布尔丹岛和荷兰水道-使我们能够探索合作的方法,以改善日益下降的生态系统和促进水的可靠性. Consistent with our board-adopted Bay-Delta policy framework, 我们致力于研究和以科学为基础的流域管理,以改善水质和可靠性, 恢复原生栖息地,支持受保护和濒危物种,并促进可持续农业实践. We’re also studying climate change risks, managing peat soils to reduce carbon emissions and strengthening levees.

We are partnering with state and federal agencies, technical experts, 学术界及环保组织发展及参与下列研究及项目.

Delta Islands

Additional Bay-Delta Resources